Playground Provocations, by The Valley School Playground Committee

Throughout this year, we will be creating themes or “provocations” for children to explore, create, build, design, experiment and play with. Occasionally, we may ask our parent body for help with donated items. Be on the lookout for emails from the playground committee to see what might be needed! For example, we will begin this year with the theme “Nature designs and obstacle courses.” If you have any of the below items lying around or would like to donate any, please bring them into school at your earliest convenience.

Tree rounds/stumps (any thickness)

  • Tree trunk slices
Interesting rocks (small, handheld)

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Sea glass or jewels

  • Slate tiles or cement pavers

  • Scrap wood
House painting brushes
Glass gems
Sand paper
Sidewalk chalk (broken or whole pieces)

  • Pine cones

  • Mortar and pestles

We also have a wish list of items for donation that we could use throughout the entire year for bigger/fixed playground structures and projects. These include:

  • Bird feeders

  • PVC piping (any and all sizes)

  • Driftwood

  • Nuts and bolts (all sizes and thickness)

  • Galvanized tubs and buckets (all sizes)

  • Child sized carpentry table
Low tables of any kind
Flower pots

  • Shells of any kind (sea, animal, etc.)

There will be a box to deposit donated items outside the office labeled “Playground Donations.” 

We plan to start the year off without balls of any kind so that the kids get a chance to see and play with the materials we have set out. We want the focus to be on creativity, imagination and innovation rather than competitive games in order to foster a sense of community and fun both on the playground and in the classroom as well!
Remember to watch for needed items in the weekly parent newsletter! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the playground committee through Lindsay at [email protected]. Thank you taking the time to help make our playground a place where our children can learn, create and investigate while they PLAY!